
Saldırı Tespit ve Önleme Sistemi

Siem (Security Information and Event Management)

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is a software that combines Security Information Management (SIM) with Security Event Management (SEM) to enhance security awareness in the IT environment. SIEM solutions improve threat detection, compliance, and security event management through the collection and analysis of real-time and historical security event data and resources.

June 4, 2024

SIEM has a range of capabilities and applications that, when integrated, provide comprehensive protection for organizations. It supports incident response capabilities that include threat detection, investigation, threat hunting, and response and remediation activities of a Security Operations Center (SOC). This is consolidated into a single control panel for easier and more efficient management. SIEM ensures corporate security by providing visibility across all devices and applications in the corporate network.

By gathering and consolidating data from various event sources in an organization’s IT and security framework, including main systems, networks, security firewalls, and antivirus security devices, SIEM offers insights for security teams to obtain threat intelligence derived from known attack tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) and indicators of compromise (IOCs).

The threat detection component can help identify threats in emails, cloud sources, applications, external threat intelligence sources, and endpoints. When an event is identified, analyzed, and categorized, SIEM works to report and notify appropriate stakeholders within the organization. This may include analyzing user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) to monitor abnormal behaviors that could signal a threat. In addition, it can also detect behavioral abnormalities, lateral movements, and compromised accounts in terms of security.

Benefits of SIEM Solution:

  1. Threat Hunting and Detection
  2. Reducing Response Time by Enhancing Situational Awareness
  3. Integration and Real-Time Visibility
  4. Security Personnel and Resources
  5. Advantages of Compliance