
URL Filtering and Gateway

URL Filtering and Gateway

URL filtering is one of the fundamental elements of web security that allows users to configure how they access web pages through networks or other systems. It is achieved by blocking specific URLs from being loaded. URL filtering also helps reduce malicious software and phishing attacks by blocking malicious web pages and prevents access to inappropriate content. Companies implement URL filtering to prevent employees from using company resources—devices, network bandwidth, etc.—in a way that could negatively impact them.

June 4, 2024

URL filtering works by implementing detailed policies that allow or restrict access to specific URLs. Policies can be created based on multiple criteria such as URL categories, specific users or user groups, departments, locations, and time intervals. When an end user tries to access any URL, the request is compared in real time against active URL filtering policies to determine whether the request is allowed or not. If access is granted, the page loads normally. If access is denied, the page is prevented from loading, and the user is shown a blocked notification.